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Monday, February 01, 2010



You HAD to put this up 10 minutes after I declared February as NO SPEND MONTH. Oy.
I guess I'll just have to make due with what I have on hand.
I started my annual valentine blitz yesterday. I leave a little note or gift for my husband each day, Feb 1-14th. Today I will iron his backlog of shirts and leave them hanging with a note that says "may we always iron out any disagreement."

Happy February!

Mary Ann

V-day always reminds me of the Everclear song Heart Spark Dollar Sign. (I probably messed that all up, but that's still what I think of anyway.)

Mary Ann

Also? I keep coming back here just to stare at those little mushrooms.



decorative fabrics

I just can't help being inspired.
Lovely! Thanks for the inspiration.

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