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Thursday, January 03, 2008



Wow - congratulations on your fun interview!! I love your new banner! That swap looks so fun, I'm thinking about it...


Happy NEw yEAR!


What a great way to start the New Year! And I haven't mentioned it, but every time I see that banner of yours, it just fills me with happiness - it is that beautiful.


This wrapping paper is fabulous!


loved the profile of you on the other blog- awesome!
Happy New Year and the butterflies are bitchin!

Mary Ann

Jen, I am 110% with you on being so excited about a new year. Last year was a really rough one for me, and I almost can't believe I made it through without going postal. Except for the part where I don't own a gun.

Mary Ann

Oh, and I am honored to know you and feature such talent on indiependence! You are a genius, you know.


Have a wonderful year with your family sweetie :).


i love the energy of this post. you are ready to take on the world friend!! love the feature post on indie-pendence...thanks for introducing it :)


I've been meaning to say -- I'm bummed the gray + red box has found a home! Hopefully new inspiration boxes will be added to your shop soon? :)


Great job. Keep up the good work. I like your latest craft. Awesome ideas.

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